ATTENTION: The following discharges to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) (stormwater conveyance such as but not limited to, storm drains, pipes, ditches, etc.) is prohibited unless otherwise authorized in writing by the ADEC.
* Sewage;
*Discharges of wash water resulting from the hosing or cleaning of gas stations, auto repair garages, or other types of automotive services facilities;
*Discharges resulting from the cleaning, repair, or maintenance of any type of equipment, machinery, or facility, including motor vehicles, cement-related equipment, and port-a-potty servicing, etc.;
*Discharges of wash water from mobile operations, such as mobile automobile or truck washing, steam cleaning, power washing, and carpet cleaning, etc.;
*Discharges of wash water from the cleaning or hosing of impervious surfaces in municipal, industrial, commercial, and residential areas – including parking lots, streets, sidewalks, driveways, patios, plazas, work yards and outdoor eating or drinking areas, etc. – where no detergents are used and no spills or leaks or toxic or hazardous materials have occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed);
*Discharges of runoff from material storage areas containing chemicals, fuels, grease, oil or other hazardous material;
*Discharges of pool or fountain water containing chlorine, biocides, or other chemicals; discharges of pool or fountain filter backwash water;
*Discharges of sediment, pet waste, vegetation clippings, or other landscape or construction-related wastes; and
*Discharges of food-related wastes (grease, fish processing, and restaurant kitchen mat and trash bin wash water, etc.).
To receive a certificate of completion (or occupancy), applicant shall submit a signed, notarized and recorded Operations & Maintenance Plan and Civil As-builts and schedule a final PDCivil inspection. The O&M Plan and Civil As-builts can be emailed to Judy or Steve at ( or
ADVISORY COMMENT: Class V injection well Whole commercially manufactured subsurface infiltration devices are considered Class V injection wells. Drywells, Infiltration Trenches, and other LID elements vary depending on their dimensions. The EPA must be notified of Class V injection wells. Contact the EPA via the link below and submit the EPA required permit or EPA determination of no permit required (email from EPA). 2017 ASM Vol.1 6.2. {EPA Regulatory Definition: A bored, drilled, or driven shaft whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension; or, a dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension; or, an improved sinkhole; or, a subsurface fluid distribution system (an assemblage of perforated pipes, drain tiles, or other similar mechanisms intended to distribute fluids below the surface of the ground).}