Interior renovations to include reconfiguration of partitions, replacement of finishes and 1 door, and P/M/E - BWP
**Contractor to pay for inspections**
Reviewed by: Bergstrom, Leigh W.
Phone: 343-8326
Fax: 249-7615
Permit Manager: Bob Parker
Phone: 343-8391
Review Number: 417501
1) STATUS: 9-12-2018 Comments to be addressed. 9-14-2018 APPROVED.
2) The following comments based upon the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) must be resolved before a permit is issued. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the IBC or any federal, state or local regulations. RESOLVED 9-14-2018.
3) 1/A135 In a change of use situation the bathroom facilities are required to be brought up to full ADA compliance as much as practicable per IEBC 1012.8.1 and 705.1.10. Please clarify. RESOLVED PER RE-SUBMITTAL RECEIVED 9-14-2018.
4) E200 Signs for exiting out of the back of the building on the main floor are inaccurate. It would be helpful if the signs were located on the reflected ceiling plan; however, at the very least, the electrical drawings should be coordinated with the architect since this is an architectural issue covered by IBC 1011. RESOLVED PER RE-SUBMITTAL RECEIVED 9-14-2018.
5) When the above comments have been addressed, please update the plans at the MOA Plans Review Office with three sets of revised architectural pages to include clouded changes, architects stamp and signature. RE-SUBMITTALS ARE TO BE DIRECTED TO THE ATTENTION OF THE PERMIT MANAGER WITH A LETTER OF RESPONSE ADDRESSING EACH COMMENT. ( RESOLVED 9-14-2018.