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Permit Number: C15-1517
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None BldgAlter
Address: E 2530 16TH AVE Anchorage
Status: Closed
Project Name: EAST 16TH & LOGAN
Review Type: Zoning
Result: Correction
Result Date: 6/16/2015 11:26:46 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus
1_"Old" Title 21 review selected

2_Provide DHHS approval for food facility plans

Loading goods into the structure at the South lot line is not allowed.  The existing structure encroaches into the required 20 foot side yard at the south lot line, and enjoys non-conforming rights for the location and the lack of required buffer landscaping.  The addition of a loading area in this location intensifies the non-conformity and is not allowed.  The proposed garage door into this structure indicates an intent to create a loading area.  Please address.// If the intent is to leave the window in the South side, remove the comment in the demo area of the plans addressing preparing the opening for garage door.6/16/2015 mdp

4_Zoning review is incomplete pending receipt of requested information, additional comments may result from new information received.

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