"Old" Title 21 review selected
Permit Status: Approved 10/13/14 slc /// Corrections 9/9/14 slc
1. Provide a Title 21 review selection sheet so that the correct version of Title 21 can be used for this review. /// see selection sheet in file. 10/13/14 slc
2. Provide a bid document showing the valuation of the proposed sign as required by handout AG.01 item #8. /// bid document provided 10/13/14 slc
3. Provide information about all existing signs on the frontage where the proposed sign will be located. NOTE: This is not a divided tenant space mall, this is an interior tenant space mall, the entire building frontage must be considered when proposing new signs. Please provide all information for the entire frontage where the sign will be located. /// drawing sumbitted, allowed sign area is 1836, existing is 629 + 90.9=719.9 10/13/14 slc
4. Zoning review incomplete pending receipt of requested information, additional comments may result from new information received.