Reviewed by: Bergstrom, Leigh W. Permit #: C13-1986
Phone: 343-8326 Date: 10/22/2013
Fax: 249-7615
Email: BergstromLW@muni.org
Permit Manager: Jinny Day
Phone: 343-8338
Email: DayJR@muni.org
Project: KLiberty Dialysis 901 E. Dimond Blvd.
Review Number: 322757
1) STATUS: 10-22-13 Comments to be addressed.
2) The following comments based upon the 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code must be resolved before a permit is issued. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the Uniform Plumbing Code or any federal, state or local regulations.
3) P2.1 According to UPC Table 12-8 it does not appear that the 1-1/2" gas main serving all of the rooftop units (870 MBH @ 150 feet) is of sufficient size to meet the demand. Provide a gas piping schematic diagram to include all the gas fired equipment loads in the system, pipe sizes and lengths of pipe such that adequate pipe sizes may be verified.
4) When the above comments have been addressed please update the plans at the MOA Plans Review Office with three sets of revised plumbing pages to include clouded changes, engineers stamp and signature. RE-SUBMITTALS ARE TO BE DIRECTED TO THE ATTENTION OF THE PERMIT MANAGER WITH A LETTER OF RESPONSE ADDRESSING EACH COMMENT.