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Permit Number: C12-1324
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None BldgNew
Address: N 1074 MULDOON RD Anchorage
Work Description: 146,500 sq ft new comm bldg / tb **master fill/grade 07-5165**
Status: Closed
Project Name: SAMS CLUB 6602
Review Type: Traffic Engineering
Result: Correction
Result Date: 4/20/2012 9:16:00 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

Comments for 3/15/12 submittal:


1.) Provide haul route information for earthwork, demolition, pavement and buiding construction operations meeting the requirements of AMC 9.46.410.A; the shortest, most direct route, which minimizes travel on local and collector roadways shall be used. 


2.) Please delineate the location(s) of the stabilized construction entrance for site access.  The entrance shall be placed to reduce or eliminate the tracking of sediment and airborne dust onto the public rights of way and private drives adjacent to the site. 


3.) Provide details of the proposed traffic control plan for staging the demolition, clearing and grubbing, grading, heavy duty asphalt and concrete pavement construction and subsequent construction of the new store.  The plan shall clearly demonstrate how pedestrian and vehicle accessibility and circulation will be maintained until completion of the proposed store.  Include the type, size and locations of proposed regulatory signage, sidewalk/driveway closures and traffic control devices to be used. 


4.) The currently adopted requirements for accessibility within the MOA are based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  This improvement shall use ADA guidelines as minimum criteria.  To comply with ADA, pedestrian facilities shall have a maximum cross slope of two 2 percent, a maximum vertical step of one-quarter (1/4) inch, a maximum sustained running slope of 5 percent, or equal to the road grade if parallelling the roadway and a maximum curb ramp slope of 8.33 percent.  Provide additional spot elevations and grade percentages to demonstrate that the proposed ADA parking stalls, aisles and sidewalk pathways meet ADA requirements.   


5.) Please provide certified site lighting and glare statement for the proposed illumination plans relative to the Sam's Club site parking areas. 


6.) The landscaping plans detail the use of both Paper Birch and Amur Chokecherry trees within the landscaped areas on the site for visual enhancements.  Both trees are unacceptable as the trunk diameters shall exceed four (4) inches in diameter at maturity.  Please relocate or replace these trees as necessary where they have been proposed to be installed adjacent to the pedestrian pathways to ensure that sight distances for circulating vehicles shall not obstructed to minimize vevhicle-pedestrian conflicts.    


7.) This review shall be considered incomplete pending receipt and approval of the requested information and/or additional comments.  4/20/12 ~DF~

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