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Permit Number: F11-1231
Permit Type: Commercial Trade Permit - Alteration Fire
Address: 3101 PENLAND PKWY Anchorage
Status: Deleted
Project Name: DELETED PERMIT 10/31/11
Review Type: Fire System
Result: Correction
Result Date: 10/16/2011 11:18:00 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

Reviewed by: Mark Warren                                            Permit #: F11-1231

Phone: 267-4992                                                                        Date: 10/16/2011

Right Fax; 249-7397


Permit Manager: Jinny Day

Phone: 267-4992


Project: f11-1231

Review Number: 283705



PERMIT STATUS; Corrections. entered 10/16/2011.


1)       What is the voice message on the main panel?

2)       Can we coordinate the new panel at BCF to coincide with the message for maximum intelligibility?

3)       Placement of the remote enunciator; we will probably need two for responders. One at an independent entrance to the store and one placed at the main entrance to the mall that is clearly marked for reset capability and to reduce confusion. Where is the mall’s enunciator and can we put one of the remote enunciators to BCF in the same location.

4)       Interface of the alarm activation, with the mall I will have to verify that when we have activation of the mall’s alarm what status does that put BCF’s alarm into, and what happens when the reverse happens.

In short in order to approve this alarm we will need to have good working knowledge of the alarm system that is present at the mall right now. Get a hold of the company that is holding the permit to the voice evacuation system in place now and verify this information prior to bringing the plans in for approval. This seams like a lot of work but this is not just putting in a stand alone system if you want to put in a separate alarm to save money that is O.K. however they need to interface with the main alarm to function as one.

     5) Provide an overlay of the stores position to the mall to indicate the position at which you are putting the enunciator and the main panel. Will the responders have indicators as to the position of the main panel?

Please get back with me soon I realize time is critical.




Mark Warren, Systems Plan Review

Anchorage Fire Department, Fire Prevention Division

4700 Elmore Road

Anchorage Alaska 99507

907-267-4992 desk

907-720-2245 cell


 Enetered 9/27/2011

1)      Provide a code path from an architect that proves that Burlington Coat factory is an anchor store.

2)      Indicate if this is a standard horn/strobe application or voice evacuation. \

3)      Fill out the NFPA 72 plan review question packet.

4)      I will perform a full review once the above items are confirmed.


All submittals should be sent to the permit manager.



Mark Warren, Systems Plan Review

Anchorage Fire Department, Fire Prevention Division

4700 Elmore Road

Anchorage Alaska 99507

907-267-4992 desk

907-720-2245 cell




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