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Permit Number: C11-1585
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None ChangeUse
Address: E 2530 16TH AVE Anchorage
Work Description: Change of use from B to E / tb   CLOSING/ DESTROYED PERMIT SEE NEW OWNER/ BAKERY PERMITS C15-1517 / C15-1480- 2/18/2021- SLO
Status: Closed
Project Name: Bldg 2 - 2530 E 16TH
Review Type: Fire
Result: Approved
Result Date: 8/23/2011 3:34:22 PM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

Approved 8/23/2011 - All issues resolved under final revision 1.  Sprinklers and "Knox" keybox not required.  Original knox waiver letter in permit folder.  Copy scanned to Fire Prevention EMBF.

Original comments below: _____________________________________________________

1.  Provide a fire extinguisher as required per IFC 906.  Show size, type, & location on plans.

2.  Nonsprinklered "E" occupancies require a direct exit from each room per 308.5.2 exception.  The plans show a divider creating two rooms.

3.  What is the age of the occupants as daycare use is calculated @ 35sf per person not 20?

4.  Since two exits are required exit signs and emergency light fixtures are also required.  Show locations on plans.

5.  Is it your intnet to provide a "Knox" keybox per IFC 506.  If so a single keybox can serve both buildings.  Show location on plans.  If requesting a waiver due to the size of the building submit a request in writing waiving the requirement and liability if the fire department requires emergency entry for the file.

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