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Permit Number: 04 6234
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None BldgAlter
Address: 3101 PENLAND PKWY Anchorage
Work Description: (1/7/2011) PAS-to-HAN Conversion Parent Permit for holding converted reviews for non-trade or non-issued disciplines only. No structural issuance. See 'Related Records' tab to find ISSUED trade permits sharing this permit number.
Status: Closed
Project Name: FOOT LOCKER
Review Type: Structural
Result: Approved
Result Date: 6/28/2005 12:00:00 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

. SHELVING DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS The submitted shelving calculations and drawings have been stamped by an Architect. These must be stamped by an Alaska-registered civil engineer with expertise in structural engineering. Review is deferred until appropriate drawings and calculations are submitted.. PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR ARCHITECTURAL WORK A partial permit can be given for everything except the pallet racks. These still need further submittals and review. 1-28-05 Ron Wilde. SEISMIC DESIGN It appears the IBC section used to design the lateral system of the racks is incorrect. In the scope, it indicates IBC section 1622.2.6 was used, when the correct section is IBC section 1622.3.4. Please revise and resubmit calculations. Not that the review will not be completed unit this item has been revised, and all affected member and connections have been rechecked. WAB - 3/17/2004. SEISMIC LOAD DISTRIBUTION Reference page 6 of the calculations date 3/30/2005. It appears the seismic forces have been distributed incorrectly. Please distribute forces per IBC section 1622.3.4.3. Please note that the full review has not been completed as the rest of the calculations are dependant on the correct distribution of loads. WAB - 4/18/2005. This review is based on the requirements of the 2000 International Building Code (IBC) and all adopted references thereto as amended by MOA. The following comments must be addressed before a permit can be issued. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of the codes, or any federal, state or local regulations. 5/20/05 - The rack design has changed and new calculations and plans have been submitted. The following comments apply to the most recent submittal. MOH. BEAM LOCKING DEVICE Please provide a locking connection at the shelves such that they can withstand an upward force of 1,000 lbs per connection without failure or disengagement. Reference: IBC section 2210 and RMI section 7.1.2. 6/14/05 - This intended for pallet racks. Comment is retracted.. SEISMIC LOAD DISTRIBUTION Please vertically distribute the seismic loads to the rack in accordance with IBC section 1617.4.3 or RMI section 2.7.4. No basis has been given for the distribution shown on sheet 2. 6/14/05 - The distribution indicated in the response appears to be correct, but that is not what has been used in the calculations. Please apply the loads at the appropriate shelves. The distribution as shown on sheet two appears to have more load distributed to the bottom than is appropriate. 6/22/05 - Resovled. STEEL DESIGN CODE Please clarify what steel design code has been used for the design of this rack. If these are cold rolled sections then the AISI specification should be used, otherwise the AISC specifications will apply. Reference: IBC sections 2204 and 2205. 6/14/05 - AISI code is used.. "SRB" BEAM MOMENT CAPACITY Please check the beam in accordance with AISI section C3.1. How will the beam be laterally supported? The plans do not indicate any lateral support. 6/14/05 - Comment not addressed. No check of the beam moment capacity has been provided. The response does not indicate how the beams are laterally supported. Is the deck fastened to the beams? Otherwise they are unbraced for their entire length. If this is the case it is unlikely that the controlling failure mode is plastic yielding. Please provide the requested calculations checking all pertinent failure modes in accordance with AISI section C3.1. 6/22/05 - Resolved.. "DRB" BEAM MOMENT CAPACITY Please check the moment capacity of the beam in accordance with AISI section C3.1. Please include all moment from dead, live and seismic load when determining the moment acting on the beam. 6/14/05 - Not addressed. Please see comment #9 6/22/05 - Resolved.. STRUCTURAL MEMBER SECTION PROPERTIES Please clarify the determination of the section properties of the structural members. In previous submittals section properties for the rivet rite system were provided but some of those properties appear to differ from those used in the calcs. Reference: IBC section 1604.4. 6/14/05 - Comment not addressed. Please provide calculations to verify the specified section properties or manufacturer cut sheets. 6/22/05 - Cut sheets have been provided.. CONNECTION TO BUILDING Please provide supporting calculations for the attachment of the 12" racks to the building. Please show by calculation that the structure will be adequate to resist the loads imposed on it by the rack. Reference: Anchorage Existing Buildings code section 23.65.411.1. 6/14/05 - Comment not addressed. Please provide calculations showing the adequacy of the structural members in the wall and the attachment to them. 6/22/05 - Resolved.. OVERTURNING OF RACK Please apply the seismic loads to the rack in accordance with comment 3 when checking for overturning. Please apply the resisting loads at the center of the span and reduce them in accordance with the load combinations of the IBC or the RMI. Please check the case where only the top shelf is loaded as this may control the overturning. Reference: IBC section 1622.3.4.2 and RMI section 2.7.6. 6/14/05 - The resisting moment of 8.4 k" has been calculated assuming the force acts with a 24" moment arm which is incorrect. Please apply the load at 12". Also, please apply the overturning loads in accordance with comment 3 and check the case with only the top shelf loaded as this will likely control for overturning. 6/22/05 - Resolved.. IMPACT LOADS Please check the beams for gravity loads including impact load as required by RMI section 2.4. 6/14/05 - This comment not addressed. Please apply the impact load as required. Since this load is a percentage of the load to the rack it is equally applicable to pallet racks as to hand loaded racks. 6/22/05 - Resolved.. MOMENT CONNECTION DESIGN Please check the bearing strength of the steel at the moment connections. It appears that this may control over shear through the fastener with the Grade 36 material specified. Reference: IBC section 1604.2. 6/24/05 - Resolved.. ANCHORAGE LOAD PATH FOR MOVEABLE RACK Please provide supporting calculations for shear and overturning anchorage of the moveable rack. The only calculations provided are for the fixed rack. Reference: RMI section 1.4.7. 6/14/05 - Comment not addressed. Per comment #9 it appears that there will be a non-zero overturning force. 6/22/05 - No moveable rack this location.. MOVEABLE SHELF RACK STABILITY It appears that the "SRB" beams can be moved as necessary after installation. Please include the information required by RMI section 1.4.6 on the plans. 6/14/05 - This comment not addressed. RMI section 1.4.6 requires that the plans show which shelves are required for stability. It appears from the calculations that the "DRB" beams must be located in certain positions and remain in those locations while the rack is in use. Please add the requested information to the plans. 6/28/05 - Information Added.. FLEXURAL TORSIONAL BUCKLING OF COLUMN Please check the columns for the flexural torsional buckling limit state as this may control in some locations. Reference: AISC ASD section E3 or AISI section C4. 6/14/05 - This comment not addressed. The response indicated that the columns are braced in both direction but the plans show themas having unbraced lengths of +/- 20" in both directions. Please provide calculations checking this limit state. 6/22/05 - The columns are bent about the weak axis and therfore can not torsionally buckle.. STRUCTURAL REVIEW STATUS 5/20/05 - Correction required 6/14/05 - Corrections required 6/28/05 - Approved.
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