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Permit Number: 10 4349
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None BldgAlter
Address: E 901 DIMOND BLVD Anchorage
Work Description: Work Descr: interior t/i - includes elec and mech; (25) inspections, Remarks: mgm
Status: Closed
Project Name: CASH AMERICA
Review Type: Zoning
Result: Approved
Result Date: 6/10/2010 12:00:00 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

. C(1): Status - agler 6/10/10 // comments, agler 5/25/10 C(2): Since this is part of a large retail establishment, planning's approval is required for any changes to the exterior of the building. Please contact 343-7943, or in person at 4700 Elmore Road. Plot plan required to be signed and stamped by Community Planning and Development.
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