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Permit Number: 09 4495
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None BldgAlter
Address: E 901 DIMOND BLVD Anchorage
Work Description: Work Descr: CHANGE OF USE: (was auto sales), Remarks: JRD
Status: Closed
Project Name: BOUNCIN' BEARS
Review Type: Zoning
Result: Approved
Result Date: 6/12/2009 12:00:00 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

C(1): Status - approved for a change of use from car sales/retail to an indoor playground/gym. At the time of the Large Retail Establishment site plan review when Morrison's Auto went in, the parking was calculated 1/300. (Confirmed with Angela Chambers). This new use, a gym, requires the same parking spaces, therefore parking calcs do not have to be re=established. There is to be no work done onsite as far as the parking area, landscaping, etc. The drainage issues on the property were resoved during the permitting process of Liberty Dialysis. Please note that any signs will require a separate permit. agler 6/12/09
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