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Permit Number: 08 4845
Permit Type: Commercial Building Permit - None BldgAlter
Address: E 901 DIMOND BLVD Anchorage
Work Description: Work Descr: underslab utilities to include elec and plumb **11/3/08 contractor transfer for U/G Plumbing**tb, Remarks: mgm **11/5/08 refund requested for Temp Gas**tb
Status: Closed
Review Type: Electrical
Result: Approved
Result Date: 10/3/2008 12:00:00 AM


 Code SectionReview CommentStatus

Advisory Information:

. C(1): ELECTRICAL STATUS: Please address the comments below for full approval. 9/11/2008 10-1-2008 The comments below are addessed in EIC design. |Talked to Eric and discussed with him that his design is core and shell and the other design are TI. C(2): The following comments are based on the 2005 National Electrical Code (NEC), and should be resolved before a permit is issued. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the NEC, or any federal, state or local amendments to these codes.
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