Our offices will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025.
There will be NO INSPECTIONS Monday.
Our offices will re-open on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
Building Safety Permit Information & Inspection Request
Please use all letters and numbers, spaces and dashes to locate your permit!
This website has been updated to include subpermit, change order and resubmittal information. We are working hard to add more features and improve the functionality, so if you have any suggestions or comments , please let us know at
Please review Policies AG.45, AG.47, and AG.48 before scheduling any inspections. If you have questions please contact us at 343-8211.
If you do not receive a confirmation, please call the Inspection Hotline number: 343-8300 and leave your inspection request.
For permits issued in 2010 or before:
- Building Permit Numbers look like this: 10 4531
- Subpermit numbers will have a letter in front of them. The electrical subpermit for building permit 10 4531 will be E10 4531
For permits issued in 2011 or after:
- Building Permits look like this: CB111001 or RB111001, or C11-1747 or R11-1747
- Subpermit numbers look like this: E111003 or E11-1147 but will NOT BE THE SAME NUMBER AS THE BUILDING PERMIT.
- If the permit number has a dash, please enter the dash
View Permit Information: